Social media advertising for the 2022 event.
Social media advertising for the 2022 event.

Community festival "Celebrate the river"

Conception of the festival, participation in its organisation and visual identity.

The logotype of our studio. Line drawing of the river and a small house near it.
The logotype of our studio. Line drawing of the river and a small house near it.

Artists' studios The other side of the Neris.

Curation of studio activities, organisation of events, creation of identity, online art shop.

Advertising on social networks. An open door inviting you to enter the gallery one last time.
Advertising on social networks. An open door inviting you to enter the gallery one last time.

Closure of Žilinskas Gallery.

Event publicity visuals, outdoor advertising.

Two coloured FluxKit suitcases: green and blue. They feature a keyhole and a peeking eye.
Two coloured FluxKit suitcases: green and blue. They feature a keyhole and a peeking eye.

FluxKit suitcase.

The design and objects of the educational suitcase, based on the modes of expression of the Fluxus art movement.

A man holds a book in his hands.
A man holds a book in his hands.

We don't sell beer - the water is off.

Book design and layout, illustrations, design of additional promotional attributes.

Outdoor advertising at the Zoo. The illustration uses a colourful tiger on a green background.
Outdoor advertising at the Zoo. The illustration uses a colourful tiger on a green background.

Lithuanian Zoo.

New visual identity, corporate identity, design, external and internal advertising, social networks, educational elements, signage, assistance in organising events.